The much anticipated album "Saving Me" is scheduled to be released in January 2021 stay tuned for an exact release date in January.
Hip Hop/Music artist 3HRE says he is stoked about his upcoming and first album to be released "Saving Me". 3HRE is an Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan and was stationed in Colorado, Germany, Afghanistan, Missouri and Georgia. With every album sold $2 bucks he says will go back to help combat veterans struggling with Homelessness, PTSD and suicide which he feels are very important and major problems within the military community this day and age.
The album "Saving Me" is motivation from many different aspects of my struggles, trials, tribulations and what I go through on a daily basis. The realness and rawness of the album and the lyrics will surely have fans grasping for more. 3HRE says he feels many people will be able to relate with the lyrics that he writes and the way that he expresses himself. As 3HRE states "Music is my outlet and the way that I express my feelings and issues".
Be on the lookout for the much anticipated album "Saving Me" which will be offered on all major platforms and streaming services.