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The Inspiration Behind Hip Hop Artist 3HRE's Debut Music Album Saving Me

Music since I was young has always been something I have gravitated towards. Since I was little when I would hear music or a beat I had to move and it made me feel happy. It was when I was about 10 years old I really started to listen to different varieties of music and really discovered Hip Hop.

That was in the early 90’s around the 1994 time frame and my family would listen to a variety of different music. I would not say my family was huge on hip hop or that I grew up on the streets or anything like that but I just loved it.

I never forget RUN DMC and listening to Walk This Way that was fire and I knew that I liked it. As the years progressed I got into listening to A Tribe Called Quest, NAS, Eric B & Rakim, Eminem and christian Hip Hop artists such as Cross Movement, KJ52, John Reuben etc. Personally I loved the positive vibe and the positive spirit of christian hip hop and loved the positive message it brought.

Those were some of my earlier moments of really knowing I loved music and the happiness that it made me feel.

Saving Me is an album that is very personal to me. It is just the beginning of what I am excited to share to the world about my journey and what all I have been through in which I feel that a lot of people will relate. Putting my thoughts down on paper truly inspires me and gets a lot of stress off of my chest. When I am doing it I feel as if I am escaping to my personal happy place and I see life in a different way. Music is the one thing that has always not judged me, never been hateful to me, was there in my happy and bad times throughout my life and really got me through some difficult times battling the demons from within.

For many years I was so busy with my life’s choices, working and watching time fly by that I never got to truly put my energy into my music. Well now is my time and I owe it to myself and the world to put my energy out into the universe. Saving Me by on the rise Hip Hop artist 3HRE is sure to set the tone for what is to come. This is real music, the feelings are real and I know that you will be able to relate with me as well.

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